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March 30, 2024

Craftlace Discovery

Crafty folk accumulate crafty supplies.  I have no idea why I initially bought a craftlace kit, but it somehow ended up in my stash. I decided to use this discovery to make key fobs in geocaching colors (orange, blue, green and yellow).  I did not number these because they are all the same. Throwing them into a cache near you.

I have to admit that this is not to my crafty TXGeekette standard of crafty goodness.  I'm going to have to figure out how else to use up this craft lace in a more creative way.  

I made eight of them.  Where did they end up?

Dropped in GCQBPT on 13 April 2024

Dropped in GC45K96 on 14 April 2024

Dropped in GC5AE7P on 17 April 2024

Dropped in GC5GPT4 on 03 May 2024

Dropped in GCAV8AG on 16 July 2024 

February 24, 2024

Artist Trading Card (ATC): Travel Collage

This edition of Artist Trading Cards (ATC)  is probably more along the lines of what most people think of when they think "ATC".  That is, mixed media on a playing card.  Technically speaking, such a thing is an "Altered Playing Card" or APC. 

This is my version of a mixed media ATC/APC on "Phase 10" playing cards that we somehow had in our gaming stash but never used. 

Description: Mixed media on "Phase 10" playing cards.  Dishwasher Mod Podge (instead of regular Mod Podge) used for water resistance.  If you look closely at the top left edge, you can see the number of the "Phase 10" card that was used.  It is also the number that was used to number each card in this edition.

This edition has a travel theme

If you've found one of these and want to discover the geocoin associated with it, input the trackable number on the back of the card at  It is otherwise yours to keep and do with it what you please.  
Read about my other ATCs here

Where did I drop these?

#1 of 10 - 3/17/2024 in GC5Q41H

#2 of 10 - 4/13/2024 in GC4WAM0

#3 of 10 - 4/16/2024 in GC6CT5D

#4 of 10 - 5/24/2024 in GCAP3FQ

#5 of 10 4/21/2024 in GC5CARB

#6 of 10 5/29/2024 in GC5199C

#7 of 10 5/29/2024 in GC6ACDP

#8 of 10 6/22/2024 in GCKDBXGCKDBX

#9 of 10 

#10 of 10 

January 11, 2024

 Kitty Jail (GCAJ9C1) T-Shirt and Keychains

I made a T-Shirt as a First-to-Find (FTF) prize for my Mystery Cache, Kitty Jail (GCAJ9C1)

I also made five of these keychains as starting SWAG.