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September 6, 2023

Artist Trading Card: Fire - Elijah on Mt. Carmel

Acrylic on heavy cardstock, sealed with polycrylic for water resistance.

A depiction of Elijah on Mt. Carmel.  Whether you believe or not, it is, IMO, one of the more entertaining stories of the Bible. It tells the tale of Elijah, who trolls the prophets of Baal and Asherah into a contest.  They lose miserably when their deities fail and the Lord reveals himself as the one true God. 

If you've found one of these and want to discover the geocoin associated with it, input the trackable number on the back of the card at  It is otherwise yours to keep.  Do with it what you please.  

Read about my other ATCs here

Where did I drop these?

#1 of 10 - In personal collection

#2 of 10 - 12/20/2023 in GC9977P

#3 of 10 - 9/30/2023 in GC126, the first and oldest cache in Alabama

#4 of 10 - 2/14/2023 in GC12E2

#5 of 10 - Dropped on 3/14/2024 in GCEF (CenTex Prime, the oldest geocache in Central Texas)

#6 of 10 - Dropped on 3/4/2024 in GC985A4

#7 of 10 - Dropped on 2/8/2024 in GC3TG9N

#8 of 10 - Dropped on 12/1/2023 into GC87R7F

#9 of 10 - Dropped on 10/14/2023 into GCHMAF

#10 of 10 - Dropped on 9/20/2023 into GC90, the first and oldest cache in Mississippi